
picture of a roll and sheets of carbon media air filters

The Next Level of Filtration: Carbon Media

True to our value for innovation, EFS is excited about our new commercial filtration solution. Whether you need a casino air filtration product or you require an air filter for industries involved in manufacturing or preserving the quality of your product, our newest carbon blanket media filtration will be of significant benefit.

Carbon filtering is a method of purification that uses a piece of activated carbon to remove odors and pollutants utilizing chemical adsorption. The large surface area of activated charcoal air filtration roll media allows it to ‘adsorb’ numerous odors, gaseous pollutants and particles.

When certain odors or gaseous pollutants pass through the activated carbon media, they are adsorbed which prevents the odors from entering the airstream. Carbon-activated air filtration media can help reduce/eliminate odors; particularly diesel fumes from loading docks, wildfire smoke fumes, fumes from helipads, cigarette smoke, roofing tar, outdoor air pollution and more. Carbon filters are a quick solution for improving indoor air quality especially after emergencies (i.e. wildfires), even for non-standard air handling systems.

Each square foot contains 105 grams of activated carbon in our AC105 media. The normal thickness is 0.40” and the standard roll size is 48”x 66’ with initial resistance (300 FPM) of 0.54” w.g. We offer either rolls or pre-cut pieces to fit your precise size and shape needs.

Activated carbon air filtration media is a low-air resistance, non-bypass, disposable media for light-, medium- or heavy-duty applications – all good reasons to choose this new resource. The new AC105 is perfect for hospitals, food manufacturing facilities, commercial kitchens, plus commercial as well as industrial installations.

Air cleaners, either electronic or mechanical, are another ideal candidate for this upgrade. Also consider air intakes on rooftops, near loading docks, heliports/ground level operations. Plus, commercial appliances, ductless range hoods, bath fans and over-the-range (OTR) microwave ovens can all benefit from the AC105 product.

Have a question? Engineered Filtration System can be reached at 323-832-8316 or online at

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tailpipe and exhaust of vehicle

Gas Phase Filters for Odor Control

Gas-phase air filters remove gases and odors by using a material called a sorbent, such as activated carbon, which adsorbs the pollutants. Typically, these can remove one or more gaseous pollutants from the airstream that passes through them.

The EFS Carbon V-Bank (GPC.V) filter is designed to efficiently remove particulates that contaminate the indoor air as well as a wide range of odors at high air flows.

Gas Phase Filtration Media

The material installed inside an air filter is referred to as the gas phase filtration media. Substances found in small, porous pellets such as sodium permanganate and activated carbon are widely used in filtration media.

Sodium permanganate is used as media because it boosts the absorption rate for a longer duration and targets contaminants such as sulfur oxides, hydrocarbons, formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitric oxide.

Gas phase filtration media such as activated carbon purifies the air and serves as an agent to remove odors from such materials cigarette smoke, smoke/ash from wildfires, diesel fumes and gasoline, among others.

Activated carbon is one of the strongest absorbents of these kinds of contaminants and creates superior indoor air quality.

The type of media you choose for your industrial air filtration system will depend upon the nature of chemical concentration in the air of any given area of your facility. As you can tell, it is best to consult a professional manufacturer or reseller who can not only do a site survey at your facility, but also install the air filtration system for you as well as maintain it.

Volatile Organic Compounds

VOCs include gases such as formaldehyde, methylene chloride, benzene and perchloroethylene that can be emitted from multiple sources including adhesives, carpeting, paints, copy machines, pesticides, and cleaning products, among others. Not all VOCs cause odors but can still be objectionable to people as well as can damage equipment.

Research has shown that some VOCs can also cause chronic and sometimes acute health effects when people are exposed to them at high concentrations. Often health effects include: eye, nose and throat irritation, headaches, fatigue, dizziness, and nausea.

Environments that Benefit from Gas Filtration

  • Hospitals, Medical Facilities
  • Schools, Universities
  • Museums and Libraries
  • Commercial, Office Buildings
  • Microelectronics, Cleanrooms
  • Pharmaceutical, Laboratories
  • Hotels, Casinos
  • Airports and Transportation
  • Manufacturing and Industrial Complexes
  • Gas Turbine Inlet Air Filtration
  • Waste, Water and Sewage Treatment Facilities
  • Paper and Pulp
  • Food Processing Plants
  • Petroleum and Oil Refineries
  • IT/Server rooms, Data Centers
  • Storage Facilities

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light bulbs being manufactured

Industrial Air Filtration Market

According to several current industry reports, the demand for high-performing, energy-efficient air filtration products is expected to increase exponentially. Grand View Research, Inc., states that the global industrial air filtration market will reach $6.08 billion by 2025. In addition, Global Market Insights, Inc. has this same market exceeding $7.12 billion as early as 2022.

One reason driving this growth are the strict government norms related to health and safety. Product penetration is also projected to increase with high efficiency and performance features expected to propel demand for the next six years. Environmental consciousness has increased among consumers and has spurred strong industrial and infrastructure investments.

Technological advancements have manufacturers creating new filter media to meet the demands of energy-efficient products. New and innovative raw materials are being developed, such as small fibers that are also anticipated will provide new avenues for revenue growth.

Industrial air filters are used to protect sensitive manufacturing processes and reduce the risk of molecular or microbiological contaminations as well as eliminate  hazardous emissions. They are a critical answer for companies required to meet multiple regulations governing this global industry.

Global Industrial Air Filtration Market: Overview

Industries which utilize industrial HVAC air filters include: GT power generation, hospitals, healthcare and medical facilities, pharmaceuticals and laboratories, automobile and industrial manufacturing, microelectronics and cleanrooms, airports, hotels and casinos, to name a few.

By product, air filtration covers several segments such as: HEPA filters (high efficiency particulate air), carbon/gas phase air filters, cartridge filters, dust collectors, mist eliminators and baghouse filters. This market can be further segmented to include food, power, metals, agriculture, woodworking and paper & pulp, plastic, cement and pharmaceuticals.

Reduction in pressure drop, as well as the biological contaminant reduction in filter media, are expected to have a positive impact on demand. Food handling and sanitary regulations are projected to increase demand in the next seven years.

Regional Analysis

Geographically, the air filtration market can be segmented into North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa and Asia Pacific. Europe is likely to account for a large market share and will continue to do so.

In Europe the food industry is vast and due to the presence of several small-scale businesses, the market is expected to grow even further. Because of environmental policies and the rise in number of manufacturing, healthcare, power generation, as well as oil and gas industries, the market of Asia Pacific is also expected to grow rapidly.

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graphic image of line chart overlay on city and global map

Pleated Filters Estimated To Be Worth 14.9 Billion by 2022

Thе size оf рlеаtеd fіltеrѕ mаrkеt іѕ аntісіраtеd to tоuсh USD 14.9 bіllіоn unіtѕ till 2022 аѕ рrеdісtеd bу Glоbаl Mаrkеt Inѕіghtѕ. It іѕ rising аt a соmроund аnnuаl growth rate (CAGR) оf 7.5% bеtwееn years 2015 to 2022. Consumers аrе lіkеlу to hаvе аn іmрасt оn thе market tо іnѕtаll thе latest air соndіtіоnіng systems іn rеѕіdеntіаl аnd commercial buіldіngѕ. These fіltеrѕ are аlѕо іmроrtаnt іn HVAC іnѕtаllаtіоn ѕуѕtеmѕ.

Strісt rеgulаtіоnѕ оf еnvіrоnmеnt bесаuѕе оf degradation іn thе quality оf аіr along wіth rіѕіng dеmаnd оf еnеrgу saving are lіkеlу tо boost thе рlеаtеd filter mаrkеt trend. Effоrtѕ fоr rеѕtrісtіng the grоwth of air borne іnfесtіоn аrе аlѕо expected tо fuеl uр thе mаrkеt.

Aраrt frоm іnfrаѕtruсturе, Asia Pасіfіс соuntrіеѕ nаmеlу Indіа, Chіnа, Japan and MEA аrе observing great dеmаnd іn vehicles. Thіѕ dеmаnd wіll bring a bооm іn fіltеrѕ, аѕ thеу рlау a pivotal rоlе  оf keeping air clean in many buildings and other places of work and school. In addition, thе demand оf better energy efficiency and cleaner air іn all іnduѕtrіеѕ іѕ lіkеlу tо boost uр the market.

 Lеt’ѕ take a look on some оf thе еуе-саtсhіng figures, іndісаtіng thе futurе оf рlеаtеd fіltеrѕ.

•          Market of оіl fіltеrѕ еnjоуеd grеаtеr thаn 10% оf оvеrаll dеmаnd in the уеаr 2014 аnd is аntісіраtеd tо rise аt an annual growth rаtе of 7% till 2022.

•          Commercial ѕесtоrѕ whісh соmрrіѕе оf schools, buіldіngѕ and оffісеѕ hаvе noticed 20% оf оvеrаll dеmаnd іn the уеаr 2014 аnd аrе likely to grоw оvеr 6% till 2022.

•          Asia Pacific mаrkеt оf рlеаtеd filters dоmіnаtеd іn the year 2014 аnd hence rеасhеd up to USD 3 billion.

•      Induѕtrіаl applications nоtісеd mаxіmum іnѕtаllаtіоn, thuѕ еаrnіng ѕіgnіfісаnt rеvеnuе of USD 3.5 bіllіоn in the уеаr 2014. Thіѕ ѕесtоr has bееn еmеrgеd аѕ a thriving segment bесаuѕе оf demand in іnfrаѕtruсturе dеvеlорmеnt оf power and cement іnduѕtrіеѕ. Lіmіtаtіоnѕ in еmіѕѕіоn along with HEPA ѕtаndаrdѕ аrе еxресtеd tо drive thе need fоr industrial аррlісаtіоnѕ.

 The glоbаl market оf рlеаtеd filters hаѕ got аn uрѕurgе bесаuѕе of national аѕ well аѕ international participants. Thіѕ mаrkеt is аntісіраtеd tо аttrасt mоrе business in near future duе tо emerging іnduѕtrіеѕ аnd есоnоmіеѕ.

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rooftop hvac unit fans

HVAC Global Market Trends

New research has shown the HVAC market will be dealing with major issues including indoor air quality and ecofriendly construction. The latest research report published by Technavio, on the topic of global warming as it pertains to the air conditioning, ventilation and air filtration market, has demonstrated a thorough analysis of the expected trends that are going to impact the industry until at least 2020. According to Technavio, increasing construction projects and demand for more HVAC air filtration replacements in developed economies like the UK and the USA have become major triggering forces in the market. The top three rising market trends that are driving the global HVAC industry include:

Increasing concerns about IAQ within buildings

 Pollution is affecting the indoor air quality and outdoor air quality. Recent developments in construction materials have led to more usage of composites and synthetics. Radiations from devices like copiers and computers are also causing pollution. Poor indoor quality is becoming a leading source of health issues like sick building syndrome, related illnesses, environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS).

costs, while maintaining the quality of products and services provided by them. Green systems are being more popular within the commercial sector, which are continually promoting a productive and healthy environment. The financial advantages gained from such moves are expected to lead towards continuous development

Increasing eco-friendly spending

 The global construction industry is adopting energy efficient and green methods for tacking increasing energy costs, while maintaining the quality of products and services provided by them. Green systems are being more popular within the commercial sector, which are continually promoting a productive and healthy environment. The financial advantages gained from such moves are expected to lead towards continuous development in energy saving technologies. Green building associations and different councils worldwide are also emphasizing the need of having efficient air conditioning and filtration systems for ensuring healthy IAQ and reduced emissions.

Efficient services and maintenance of the HVAC systems

 Maintenance will be one of the top concerns. The well maintained HVAC air filtration reduces energy costs by up to 40 percent, based on equipment and system involved. The HVAC systems contain over 100 components including air filters. 

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Worker checking air quality inside workplace

Air Quality Index (AQI) & your choice of filter

The AQI index is a measure of daily air quality. It determines how polluted or clean the air is, and what health impacts it may bring. The AQI pays attention to health effects experienced within few hours to few days after inhaling polluted air. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) measures AQI for five mainstream air pollutants as regulated by Clean Air Act, and these are:

1. ground-level ozone

2.particle pollution (also called particulate matter)

3. carbon monoxide

4. sulfur dioxide

5. nitrogen dioxide

Each pollutant has been allotted established national air quality standards by EPA to protect health on a national level. The first two air pollutants mentioned above, are termed as the most dangerous for human health.

AQI – The functioning

Higher AQI levels imply higher level of air pollution, and thus greater health concerns. For instance, AQI value of 50 shows fine air quality with negligible potential to impact public health, while value of 300 and above shows hazardous air quality. An AQI value of 100 usually coincides with national air quality standard for pollutants which has been set by EPA. The value below 100 are termed as satisfactory, while above ones show unhealthy air quality, firstly for sensitive people groups, and then for everyone, as the value increases.

Understanding the AQI

AQI keeps you informed regarding what local air quality is there and how it affects health. To make it easily understandable, AQI has been divided into six classes. EPA has assigned a certain color to each class for understanding pollution level.

Air Quality Index Pollution and Visibility Chart

IAQ & Air Filters

Since higher IAQ index means higher pollutant level, you would want the air filters having high efficiency to remove pollutants from the air and give as low IAQ index reading as possible. In this regard, high efficiency air filters include HEPA filters, which have also been recognized by EPA as the best product for having airborne particles free environment and low IAQ index reading. HEPA filters are able to filter the air at a very fine degree, blocking particulates that are 0.3 microns or bigger. HEPA filters can easily catch 99.97 percent of airborne pollutants, leading to low and well maintained IAQ index and lesser health concerns.

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inside of chicken farm

Poultry House Air Filters & Filtration

With rising concerns regarding avian influenza, many poultry producers are now thinking of the ways to filter the air in their poultry houses. However, getting clean air into these farms can be very costly and difficult. Nevertheless, with the complexity of and highly crowded poultry houses, with dust and air borne particles, air filtration has become critically important and a never ending concern for the poultry house owners and producers.

There are the poultry facilities where specially designed filtration systems have been installed in order to prevent external pathogens from entering the space. These completely-closed, filtered-air, positive pressure (FAPP) houses are usually used for carrying out disease research and producing eggs for the vaccine development where it is vital that fresh air entering inside is pathogen free. In a FAPP poultry house, external air is drawn through very powerful fans of high efficiency HEPA filters, capable to remove 99.97 % of the airborne particles with size 0.3 micrometers or larger. The air is pushed into the poultry house then and distributed by using a duct system. The exhaust outlets present in the house are comparatively small, which makes a very high positive pressure inside the house.

It is significant to consider that because HEPA filters are developed to eliminate very tiny particles, they can be quite restrictive to the air flow. As a consequence, the blower fans in a FAPP house utilize substantially higher power per CFM moved than that used in the typical poultry house. It should be kept in mind that all prevention efforts must first focus on proper farm biosecurity measures and practices. Quite simply, it is equipment, people, rodents, and wild birds etc, which are most likely the transmitters of particles. Another critical aspect of the poultry farm is that they are surrounded by fences to keep foreign transmitters of bacteria or germs, such as vehicles at a safe distance. Extreme caution must be taken while installing the filtration system on a poultry house.

The typical ventilation often times won’t be compatible. Heavy-duty ventilation systems are developed to manage the force needed to pull air through the kind of filter material required to eliminate the particles sizes that are of major concern. Air exchanges may be greatly decreased by filter material installation over air inlet openings. Overall, Proper air filtration in a poultry house is quite difficult and costly. Though filtering incoming air might prove a sound investment on certain farms having extremely precious birds (i.e. primary breeding stock), but for most of the producers, efforts should also be first focused around sound biosecurity practices.

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data center room

Data Center Air Filtration Solutions

High Quality Air Filtration to Combat Pollution & Contamination

Due to the increase of pollution in many parts of the world, urban data centers have been facing increasing mechanical failures. The major underlying cause is poor air quality that essentially needs a high quality air filtration system.

Industrialized regions like New York, Tokyo, Beijing and Los Angeles are the biggest victims of air pollution, which is caused by their industrial manufacturing, traffic congestion and refineries. All these cities have deployed giant data centers having networked computers storing business’s IT systems, machines and equipments. Due to rising air pollution, data centers are having poor air quality, resulting in negative impacts on operations in many ways.

The Corrosive Impact of Contaminant’s

To adequately retain the efficiency of data centers a cooling temperature of 70–75 °F (21–24 °C) should be maintained in order to reduce exposure to contaminants. Corrosion in electronic components is one of the biggest risks to data center functionality.

Contaminants entering the systems through ventilation systems and doorways while people move in and out of the premises are the main cause of corrosion. Among various harmful gases that cause corrosion, the major ones include sulfur dioxide, particulate mate (PM) and hydrogen sulfide. In busy cities like Beijing the emission from cars exhaust, coal power plants and fires usually generate particulate matter, forming a thick haze that pollutes the city.

These contaminants also affect computer circuitry and metal, as well as electricity, follow and eventually result in burn out or blackouts of components, since electricity starts to flow via wrong channel. In addition, air pollution also increases salt concentration in the air, which is the major generator of corrosion. Hence, poor air quality accelerates deterioration rate of electronic components.

How is Air filtration the solution?

If your company has a data center, it is imperative to minimize the impact of poor indoor quality which can be done with the help of a high quality air filtration system.

Filtration systems able to monitor real time are usually the best since they assure optimal functioning of air filtration devices. Proper air filters clean the air entering the data centers and also pressurize it to stop external contaminants from entering the equipment.

EFS Offers High Quality Air Filters

Being a leader in the industry for many years, Engineered Filtration Systems high quality air filters meet the needs of large data centers. EFS understands the challenges of data centers operating in industrialized cities, that’s why, EFS is dedicated to providing highly advanced air filters that produce superior results with low operating cost.

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Interior view of swine farm

Air Filtration for Swine/Pig/Hog Farms

Different filters are recommended for a specific farm based on it’s operations. HEPA filters are often recommended due to their 99.97%+ efficiency and ability to catch up to 0.3 micron particle size. The efficiency percentage increases for larger particles and decreases for smaller particles, but as the particle size becomes extremely small, the efficiency actually increases again. 

 As the filter becomes ‘used’, it becomes more efficient, because trapped particles help to filter an even higher percentage of small particles.  Filtration is carried out by three basic means:

 1.Impaction: Bigger particles cannot avoid filter fibers. They enter directly. This is the way these bigger particles (>0.4 um) are trapped in the filter. 

2.Interception: Smaller particles enter within 1 radium of fiber and stick to it. These particles (<0.4µm) are stick there via van der Walls forces. 

3.Diffusion: Brownian motion (turbulence) amplifies the possibility that small particles can be stopped by impaction or interception. 

 Filter Options

 Many manufacturers are concerned with low cost filters. All filters are not equal and present rating systems are not essentially applicable to farming operations. Frame integrity, materials quality etc is more importance to ensure no air bypass. Partial filtration will remain in the market because of cost efficiency. 

 High Temperatures

 By using PRRS virus survivability curve, it might be possible to stop filtration at a certain summer temperature while just taking on least risk of aerosol introduction of the virus. For managing huge air volume through a cool cell in summer ventilation, a filter bank should be nearly 3 times the size of cool cell pad. However, all of this can be very costly. Another application is in farms where the air comes via ceiling inlets year-round. An additional row of inlets might be put in at a quite minimal cost. 


•How can everything be sealed up? Since the system is based on negative pressure, there is always an issue of minimizing air entrance into the building through the filter. 

•Summer filtration. To fulfill the ventilation requirements of a non-air conditioned barn, about three times the number of filters in the summer is required as in the winter. 

•All doors must be secured. 

•Back-drafting via inactive fans is a problem as fan louvers might stick open and do not give a good seal when closed. 

HEPA filters offered by EFS are passing through real transformation in terms of efficiency and advancement, since it is the requirement for increasing farming operations. High quality air filtration systems are proving to be great contributors towards minimizing virus’ and creating a cleaner environment.

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medical room with equipment

Filters for Isolation Rooms and Gaseous Pollutants

For isolation rooms in hospitals, the main goal is to keep airborne infectious diseases such as tuberculosis from entering the atmosphere. To accomplish that, the air from hospital isolation rooms is filtered on the exhaust side as well as on the incoming side, using a sophisticated exhaust fan system on the ceiling where the air has to go through a minimum of two stages: a pre-filter stage and a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) stage.

Both particulate and gaseous pollutants cannot be removed by a single air filter. Particulate matter is removed by High Efficiency Particulate Air filters (HEPA). The HEPA filter is the most effective filter in removing 99.97% particulates 0.3 micron or larger.

Gaseous pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides are removed by using activated carbon filters. Carbon filters such as the carbon v4 bank filter which are used in commercial and industrial buildings, are designed to trap smoke, odors, chemicals and gases from the air. Activated Carbon filters are often used in conjunction with a HEPA filters in public commercial settings such as hospitals, museums and airports to remove the larger air particulates.

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