Diagram of filter showing flow direction

Air Filter Functionality: Efficiency vs. Arrestance

Commercial air filters remove particulates and gaseous materials from your airstream providing a safer environment for both your workers and machinery. The terms “efficiency” and “arrestance” are used to describe an individual air filter’s functionality.

What is Air Filter Efficiency?

For example, air filter Efficiency measures how well your filter removes microscopic particles such as dust, pollen, mold, bacteria, dust mites and smoke from your airstream.

The filtration industry’s standard test method is ANSI/ASHRAE 52.2 which measures the ability to remove the staining portion of atmosphere dust from test air; also known as Atmospheric Dust Spot Efficiency. These testing standards were created by the National air Filtration Association (NAFA).

What is Air Filter Arrestance?

Air filter Arrestance measures the ability of commercial air filtration to remove synthetic dust from your airstream for larger particles such as dirt, lint, hair and dust. A filter’s dust-holding capacity equals the amount by weight of standard dust the filter holds without exceeding the resistance 0.18 in W.G. (inch water gauge) for low-resistance filters or 0.50 in W.G. for medium-resistance filters and 1.0 in W.G. for high-resistance filters.

Health Hazards & Particle Sizes

Size contaminants and particles are normally depicted in microns; a metric unit of measure where one micron is one-millionth of a metre. In imperial units 1-inch equals 25,400 microns. Typically, the human eye can see particles that are larger than 40 microns.

In comparison, should you have burning wood in your airstream that represents particle sizes of 0.2 – 3 microns vs. beach sand that is 100 – 10,000 microns. Airborne particles are larger solids suspended in the air such as snow, room dust, sand and sea spray. Medium-sized particles include pollen, hair, windblown and coal dust. Small particles take days to years to settle out of a quiet atmosphere and they include viruses, small bacteria, metallurgical fumes, as well as oil and tobacco smoke.

Inhalable dust and airborne particles which enter the nose and mouth are typically of 100 microns in diameter or less and are hazardous to humans. Thoracic dust can reach the lungs and are 10 microns in diameter or less. Respirable dust penetrates the gas exchange region of the lungs and are less than 5 microns. This gives you a good idea of how critical your commercial air filters really are for the health and safety or your employees and equipment.


Because there are numerous types of commercial air filters including washers, dry filters, flat panels, continuous roll, bag filters and High Efficiency Particular (HEPA) filters to name a few, it is crucial that you speak with an experienced manufacturer. EFS provides the most advanced technology and development to deliver the highest-quality, air filtration products at the lowest possible cost. Call EFS today.

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en 779 versus iso 16890 text

The Main Differences Between EN779 and ISO 16890

The main differences between EN 779 and ISO 16890 standards lie in their approach to methods of air filter testing and classification. This change has occurred when the International Standards Organization (ISO) issued it as an effort to improve air quality in light of new studies, regulations, and increasingly high particulate matter (PM) pollution. The focus of the new standard is on fine dust and it is very detailed in its comprehensive test procedures and classification methods.

New Studies, Expectations, Regulations

Public documentation by the world’s leading health-related groups always refer to PM 10, PM2.5, and PM1 fine dust sizes as the most harmful for humans, but EN 779 did not consider these PM levels.

This public documentation is based on new studies that show an increase in PM pollution. They also show that particles with a diameter of 1 micron or smaller can find their way into the human blood stream through the alveoli cell membranes of the lungs.

Among cardiovascular issues and other effects, nervous system regulation is adversely affected by smaller fine dust particles in the human body. The new ISO standards take into account these studies that have been presented to the public as a logical step in keeping the standards up to date with public expectations as well as with new regulations that have been set by the World Health Organization (WHO) and environmental agencies.

Air Filter Testing

Air filter efficiency, according to EN 779, was to be measured by test procedures that only considered particles in the size of .4 microns. The new ISO 16890 air filter test procedures consider particles from the 10 microns to .3 microns range.

A new test aerosol, potassium chloride (KCL), has also been added to the new testing methods. Methods of testing with through electrostatic discharge procedures, dust feed, and final differential pressure testing procedures have also changed.

Air Filter Classification

Air filters must be capable of separating a minimum of 50 percent of a particle size range to have itself classified for one of the three fine dust fractions, PM10, PM 2.5, and PM1. New classifications are also now called Filter Groups, rather than Filter Classes.

Further, an air filter’s valuation according to its measured arrestance has changed with the new ISO 16890 Standard, and new minimum requirements have been set for efficiency ratings.


Because so many new studies are focusing on the adverse health effects of fine dust, the public’s and government expectations for air quality have risen. In keeping with updated publications, testing procedures and classification methods have changed.

These allow for the selection of the best air filter given the particulate matter pollution in a given geographic area and atmospheric level. For more information about getting your air filtration system up to date with the new ISO 16890 Standards, contact Engineered Filtration Systems, at 1-800-796-4337. Or, visit our complete line of commercial air filters online.

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diagram showing temperature inversion

Temperature Inversions and Air Quality

If you own a home or business in or near a valley, you need to be aware of temperature inversions and how they affect your air quality. Also called thermal inversions, temperature inversions are also more prevalent when and where the nights are longer and cooler. Awareness of temperature inversions will help any home or business choose the best air filter for maximum health and comfort.

Thermal Inversions

Normally, air expands and cools as it rises through the atmosphere, making the upper atmosphere cooler than the lower atmosphere. During a thermal inversion, though, the air aloft is warmer than the cooler air below, creating a lid on top of the air closer to the ground.

There are two types of thermal inversions. The first is called a surface inversion, which occurs near the earth’s surface. The second is an aloft inversion, which occurs further upward in the atmosphere.

Thermal Inversions and Air Quality

Surface thermal inversions affect air quality especially during the winter when thermal inversions are strongest. Areas of high pressure and low wind will experience longer inversions.

The warmer air above the cooler air suppresses vertical mixing of air and traps pollutants. Exhaust from automobiles, boats, trains, and manufacturing stay trapped close to the ground, affecting air quality.

The strength and duration of a temperature inversion is measured by an Air Quality Index (AQI). Stronger inversions will lead to higher pollution levels and a high AQI level.

Air Filtration and Thermal Inversions

Homes and business in geographic areas that experience thermal inversions may need different air filters during these times of year than during other times of the year. Depending on whether your home or business is near high traffic areas or a manufacturing plant, you may consider using air filters with a higher MERV rating. Also, air filters may need to be changed more often during thermal inversions.


It is important to be aware of the air quality of the area in which you live, especially to ensure that your indoor air quality does not suffer because of the changing AQI outside. Spokane Valley, Washington, is a typical example of an area that experiences frequent thermal inversions. While the air may seem clear and clean some of the year, during other parts of the year – during thermal inversions – air quality is poorer.

For this reason, it may be time to reconsider your air filtration needs this winter. Engineered Filtration Systems carries a full line of commercial air filters to suit nearly any commercial environment. For more information on air filter selection in your area, contact Engineered Filtration Systems, at 1-800-796-4337. Or, visit us on the web to learn more.

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worker checking air duct

Prevent Turbine Fouling with Proper Filtration

A gas turbine inlet filtration system cleans the air entering a gas turbine. To prevent fouling, among other consequences, these inlet air filtration systems must be carefully selected and properly operated, maintained, and tested. Read on to discover how selection of the right air filter product is necessary to prevent fouling of the gas turbine.

Importance of Inlet Air Filtration

Even in a relatively clean environment, a gas turbine can ingest hundreds of pounds of various- sized, foreign particles each year. The more advanced the gas turbine, the more sensitive the turbine is to the quality of the air it ingests.

The primary purpose of inlet air filtration is to clean the air well enough that the operational goals of the machine are met. Secondarily, the inlet air filtration system is supposed to maintain inlet air filtration efficiency. Certain filter designs protect against particles of different sizes and composition.


Fouling is the next step of degradation of the gas turbine after erosion. Smaller, harder particles cause fouling. This occurs when material builds up in low, flow-rate locations along the path of the airflow and in cavities. Besides small particles, water, salts, oil vapors and other adhesive substances work individually or combine to form sticky places to which particles can adhere.

These small, hard particles stick to the surfaces of compressor blades and the turbine’s blade cooling passageways. The effect is that clearances are changed, rotating balance is disrupted, and air flow paths are obstructed. Additionally, blade surfaces of both stationary and rotating blades become rougher.

While fouling is reversible, the cost is the interrupted output process during what can be lengthy shutdowns. To prevent as much fouling as possible, ensure that your gas turbine’s inlet air filters are the appropriate filters best suited for a gas turbine’s environment and output goals.

Inlet Air Filters

Hard, submicron particles can easily be removed with the right air filters but keeping the turbine free from those sticky substances like water and oil vapors requires additional, special filters.

Turbine inlet filtration selection is a careful balance of performance and efficiency versus inlet air quality. Cleaner, less moist air will control fouling, but higher efficiency filters can cause pressure loss, which decreases efficiency, too. It can be challenging to keep pressure losses to a minimum while removing adequate amounts of moisture and particles.

Selection of the right inlet air filtration system for gas turbines means understanding the contaminants that the selected filters must remove. Operators must also understand filtration parameters and how these are affected by the environment in which the gas turbine operates.


Though fouling is a reversible process, it slows production and could result in repair and replacement of gas turbine machinery. Engineered Filtration Systems has experts on hand to evaluate your system and help you choose the best air filter for your gas turbine’s goals and environment. Contact EFS, at 800-796-4337, for more information or visit us on the web to learn more.

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inside view of paper pulp mill

Protect Sensitive Equipment in Pulp and Paper Mills with Proper Air Filtration

Companies in the pulp and paper mill industries are increasingly utilizing sensitive electronic process control systems to remain competitive. Although these systems maximize chemical and energy use, the operating environment can wreak havoc on the electronics without proper air filtration. Corrosive gases and particulates, combined with mill humidity, can cause electronic control systems to fail unless proper industrial air filters and air filtration systems are employed.

Control System Environments

The main areas in which electronic process control systems may become corroded and malfunction include both the pulp-making side of the process and the by-product side of the process. Between the two, 25 – 30 control rooms must be monitored, and their environment controlled via a commercial air filter or industrial air filters. Besides these, there are 7 – 8 more control centers that need protection for every subsequent paper machine.

Mill Contaminants

The digestion area on the pulp-making side of the milling process is the primary generator of contaminating gases. These primarily include sulphur dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, dimethyl sulphide, dimethyl disulphide, carbon monoxide, and methyl mercaptan.

Most particulate contamination comes from the wood-yard area, although some gaseous and particulate contamination can come from the turbine generator area as well. Blow over into other areas of the plant that do not produce as much gas and particulates can become a concern, so proper commercial air filters must be used in the generator area as well as all other areas to keep all equipment running at maximum efficiency and to protect workers.

Air Filtration

Pulp and paper mills need particulate and gas industrial air filtration products to keep dust to a minimum and to keep sensitive control equipment from malfunctioning. Gas phase filters, such as the Engineered Filtration Systems Carbon V-Bank (GPC.V) Filter are designed to protect sensitive equipment, control gases and odors, and remove particulates, even during high air flow.
Moisture can also be a problem in the pulp and paper mill industries. These mills utilize huge volumes of water every day, and many use waters from a surface source. Engineered Filtration Systems’ Corrosion-Free Coalescer Rigid Pocket Filter is the perfect solution for corrosion-free air filtration in the typical pulp and paper mill environment.

Plants located in colder climates may see an increase in silt from snow melt or spring runoff, employing RO membranes and basket or bag prefilters to protect them. EFS medium efficiency pocket industrial air filters are designed to withstand high humidity and corrosive environments such as those found in pulp and paper mills.


Although electronic process control systems are increasingly making pulp and paper mills more competitive, their use does not come without challenges in air filtration systems. The paper making process is one of the most corrosive plant environments, and tons of gaseous contaminants and particulates threaten the mill’s sensitive machinery and the especially sensitive electronic control systems.

EFS filters are designed to withstand these types of environments while prolonging the life of the air filters and equipment. For more information on industrial air filters or on a commercial air filter especially suited for your pulp and paper plant, contact Engineered Filtration Systems, or visit us on the web to learn more.

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Understanding M.E.R.V. Ratings text overlayed on blue background

MERV Ratings

Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value is a metric for selecting an air filter. Commercial air filters, industrial air filters, and residential air filters are rated on this scale. A higher MERV value does not necessarily mean that this is the best filter for your air filtration system, though. Cost must be balanced with purpose, and the design of the air filtration system must also be considered.

What is MERV?

Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) indicates how effectively air filters captures airborne particulates. Developed by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), MERV scores this effectiveness on a scale from 1 – 20. Higher MERV values indicate higher effectiveness. MERV ratings apply to commercial air filters, industrial air filters, and residential air filters.

The Best MERV Rating for Air Filters

Is a higher MERV rating better? This depends on the rest of the question. A higher MERV rating means that an air filter is better at capturing tinier particles. This does not, however, mean that a higher MERV rating is better for your air filtration system. The best MERV rating and the best air filter for your air filtration or HVAC system depends on several other factors, all of which must be taken into consideration for the life and health of your system and building occupants.

MERV Scale

A lower MERV value indicates that an air filter captures larger contaminants. As the values increase, the size of contaminants captured decreases.

MERV 1 – 4
An air filter with MERV filter rating of 1 – 4 captures larger particles, such as:
• sanding & spray paint dust,
• dust mites,
• pollen,
• textile & carpet fibers, and
• dirt.

These filters are generally the least expensive and are suitable for residential, low-traffic commercial buildings as well as to protect industrial equipment.

MERV 5 – 8
Air filters rated MERV 5 – 8 capture contaminants like:
• powders,
• cement dust,
• hair spray, and
• dusting/cleaning aids.

These air filters are the best value for medium to heavily trafficked industrial and commercial workplaces, residential, paint booth and finishing operations.

MERV 9 – 12
Commercial air filters designed for certain settings where air quality matters most are rated MERV 9 – 12. Some residential air filters fall within this range, as well. These air filters can remove:
• automobile emissions,
• lead dust,
• welding fumes,
• coal dust,
• milled flour,
• paint pigments, and
• insecticide dust.

These air filters are best suited for high-end residential areas, industrial workplaces and commercial buildings.

MERV 13 – 16
MERV air filters rated 13 – 16 are primarily used to eliminate pollutants such as:
• most tobacco smoke,
• droplet nuclei (sneeze),
• bacteria, and
• cooling oil.

These air filters are used in commercial buildings, smoking lounges, hotels and casinos, hospital inpatient care as well as general surgery.

MERV 17 – 20
HEPA and ULPA air filters fall within the range of MERV 17 – 20. These filters capture tiniest of particles, measuring less than .3 microns, like carbon dust, combustion smoke, carcinogenic and radioactive material. HEPA an ULPA grade air filters are required in cleanrooms, high risk surgery rooms, and environments where hazardous materials are utilized.

When choosing a commercial air filter or industrial air filters, consider first the design of the air filtration system and the building’s use. Most residential settings are fine with air filters within the MERV 1 – 4 range, unless persons with compromised respiratory or immune systems reside in the building.

For more information on MERV air filter ratings and a full selection of commercial and industrial air filters, contact Engineered Filtration Systems (EFS). Or, visit us on the web.

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fleet of trucks

Warehouse Air Pollution Solutions

The rapidly expanding warehousing industry has led to recent studies and controversies over the industry’s impact on workers, the environment, and the general population. Warehousing and its associated activities produce indoor and outdoor pollutants that have been shown to have a significant impact on the environment and on human health. Through incentives, regulations, and sustainable warehouse management, the industry can continue to expand and grow at a healthy pace while minimizing detrimental effects.

Warehouse Industry Growth

Six of the eight largest metropolitan areas in the United States have experienced significant growth in warehousing over the past ten years. Los Angeles, Houston, Dallas, Miami, Chicago, and Philadelphia have all seen at least a 20% growth in warehousing during the last decade, with Houston undergoing a 40% growth rate. The expansion of the warehousing industry is especially concerning in certain geographic areas, such cities located in the South Coast Air Basin, because their meteorology and location already predispose them to poor environmental air quality.

Warehouse Air Pollution Sources

Both indoor and outdoor air quality are affected by the warehousing industry. As the industry expands, more workers and residents are exposed to warehousing pollutants.

Indoor Pollutants

Indoor pollutants in a warehouse can include carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides from loading docks and forklifts. Toxic mold is also an issue in warehouses located in areas with high humidity and in poorly ventilated areas of a facility. Volatile Organic Compounds1 (VOCs) are also emitted in most warehouses from the materials stored, storage materials, vehicles like forklifts, and materials handling or manufacturing from within the warehouse.

Outdoor Pollutants

The same pollutants that affect warehouse workers also affect those who live near warehouses. Lead, particulates, and carbon dioxide emitted from diesel vehicles, especially, have caused significant health concerns in certain areas like the South Coast Air Basin2. The most pressing concerns are the emission of particulates and carbon dioxide. Particulates from diesel trucks and carbon dioxide emissions have been linked to numerous health issues.

Besides the logistics that create carbon dioxide pollution, warehouses consume a significant amount of energy. This leads to an increase in carbon dioxide emissions from the energy sector, directly caused by the expansion of warehousing.

Impacts of Warehouse Air Pollution

Research indicates that inhaling particulates from diesel trucks serving the warehousing industry is one of the top contributors to lung cancer, worldwide. In the newly proposed warehouse zone of Moreno Valley, California, for example, the World Logistics Center estimates that one in 10,000 residents who live near the warehouses could develop cancer, in addition to one in 50,000 residents in the surrounding area.

Besides lung cancer, warehouse air pollution has been linked to:
• asthma,
• chronic bronchitis, and
• coronary heart disorder

As with most environmental issues, those who live in poorer, urban environments are most impacted.

Solutions to Warehouse Air Pollution

The challenge to solving the warehouse pollution issue involves balancing business interests and societal and environmental impact. While this is still a fairly new area being studied, there are things warehouse managers can do to reduce their footprint on the surrounding areas and residents.


One solution to the issue of warehouse emissions is to provide incentives to companies in and linked to the warehousing industry. In the Moreno Valley area, the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD2) has proposed incentives to persuade logistics and warehousing companies to switch to newer, lower-emission vehicles and equipment. SCAQMD believes incentives will lower health risks while keeping companies from suing over increasing regulations. Incentive solutions also often launch faster than solutions proposed by regulations, which are most often preceded by long-running hearings.


Groups like the Sierra Club claim that incentives are not enough. They believe that regulatory measures are needed to prevent the rapidly expanding warehousing industry from destroying the environment and people’s health. To date, regulatory measures have improved the air quality in many regions of the United States, especially in California, but increased regulations often lead to lengthy and expensive lawsuits launched by those in the industry.

Sustainable Warehouse Management

Warehouse managers can reduce the impact of warehousing on workers, local residents, and on the environment through better, sustainable building management. Sustainable warehouse management benefits companies by increasing brand appeal and loyalty while reducing the impact of warehouse activities on people and the environment. A sustainable warehouse management model should address interrelated economic objectives of all companies involved in warehousing, employee and societal welfare, and minimization of environmental impact.

This often starts by testing and improving the indoor air of a warehouse, including checking humidity and moisture. Managers should also schedule regular testing and inspections of their HVAC systems to check for mold and fungi buildup and to ensure the system is working properly for the building’s function and occupancy level.

To further ensure healthy indoor air quality, managers should check for carbon monoxide, asbestos, and radon in their warehouses. Warehouses can either rent or purchase instruments that check for gases and indoor air pollutants, or they can contract with a company like Advanced Filtration Concepts, Inc. in Los Angles, that can perform these measurements for them.

Keeping the air pressure inside the warehouse higher than the air pressure outside the warehouse is also crucial to indoor air quality. Positive air pressure will make HVAC systems run more efficiently and will push contaminated air outside. Appropriate, properly fitted, regularly changed air filters, along with a smooth-running air handler, contribute to maintaining positive air pressure in a warehouse the most.

Warehouse managers can also help with outdoor air quality caused by their warehousing activities through sustainable warehouse management. From site selection to environmental compliance, warehouse managers have the power to make a difference. Managers can choose to only contract with companies who are responding to incentives for lower-emission vehicles or moving to low- or no-emission vehicles on their own. Rather than suing over new regulations, managers of warehouses and logistics companies both can contribute to meaningful discussions and studies aimed to improve the health of workers and residents in warehouse zones.


Striking a balance between industry growth and environmental and human health is possible through encouraging further studies, sustainable warehouse management, and continued discussions. The economic advantages of such a booming industry to a population need to be carefully weighed against an activity’s negative impacts. For more information on warehouse air pollution solutions, contact Engineered Filtration Systems. For a complete line of warehouse air filtration solutions,
visit EFS on the web.

Resources to post:
1 https://www.epa.gov/indoor-air-quality-iaq/volatile-organic-compounds-im…
2 http://www.aqmd.gov/

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Air filters overlay on a background of open room over looking trees

How the Rise in Green Construction Spending Impacts Air Filter Industries

Growth in green construction is expected to drive the air filter market, especially in the HVAC air filter segment. The demand for high-quality, effective air filters is projected to steadily increase with accompanying exponential increases in green construction spending.

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED1) credits and certification depend on the effectiveness of a building’s air filters. (Energy Star2) does not have air filter standards or requirements.) In some cases, green construction itself can give rise to indoor pollutants, further driving the need for effective air filtration systems and efficient, superior air filters.

Green Construction

Green construction is the planning, design, construction, and operation of a building in ways that preserve resources and promote their efficient use. Green construction includes:

• Construction designed around the present natural environment,
• Waste and pollution reduction, especially recycling and reusing resources,
• Design and operation that promotes good indoor air quality,
• Use of non-toxic and ethical materials, and
• Care for the health and safety of building occupants.

Any type of construction can be green construction, so long as it includes the actions above, at a minimum.

Green Construction and the Air Filter Market

The air filter market is expected to improve, on average, by 7% yearly through 2021. Meanwhile, green construction spending continues to increase by hundreds of billions of dollars yearly.

Although LEED credits and certification depend on air filter quality, some aspects of green building have increased demand for more and better air filters.

A primary aspect of green construction planning is often to construct buildings in urban areas, close to public transportation. In doing so, heavily contaminated outdoor air can often become trapped inside a green building. This requires better air filtration or more frequent changing of some air filters.

The use of recycled and reused materials can increase the concentration of toxic heavy metals. Other pollutants from recycled and reused materials may also be re-emitted or emit toxins used in the recycling process. Green construction demands that the air filter industry keep pace with various evolving issues of indoor air quality associated with the negative aspects of green construction as much as the positive aspects.


Increasing public concern for environmental quality and indoor air quality (IAQ) has caused an increase in the demand for green construction as well as an increase in demand for better air filters. Green construction, though, will be the primary driver of air filter spending as companies scramble to become LEED-certified to keep up with consumer demand for greener building practices.

With low a pressure drop (i.e., delta p, backpressure, etc.) Engineered Filtration Systems (EFS) line of air filters have high efficiencies while using little energy. For more information,
contact EFS online. Or call us at 1-800-796-4337.

1 https://www.usgbc.org/credits/reqheqp5r1
2 https://www.energystar.gov

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worker with gloves, coverall, facemask working on equipment

High Temperature Air Filtration

To ensure product and service safety, quality, and the integrity of throughput in manufacturing, some facilities require high-temperature air filtration. Process and oven environments, such as food processing, pharmaceutical, automotive and research facilities, require safe, high-temperature air filtration using air filters designed specifically for high heat use.

Why Use High-Temperature Air Filters?

Many standard HVAC air filters are not specifically designed to operate at high-temperatures. At these increased levels of heat, many HVAC air filters can experience effects such as:

(1) Particle shedding: This occurs when particles of the air filtration media, and contaminants, are released into the air. These particles can then be inhaled by humans, where they sometimes become lodged and can cause long-term lung issues.

Engineered Filtration Systems’ (EFS) high-temperature filter media is made of heat-resistant fiberglass to eliminate particle shedding.

(2) Diminished adhesive and binder strength: A reduction in the strength of adhesives and binders in an air filter not designed specifically for high-temperatures limits the drop-in pressure to which it can safely be subjected.

(3) Leakages: Due to cracks in filter components at high-temperatures, leakage is possible without high-temperature air filters.

Efficient, high-temperature air filtration requires either a reduction in ramping rate, modified seals, modifying the structure of the equipment and air stream, or the use of a high-temperature air filter.

Failure to utilize appropriate high-temperature air filters for high heat HVAC systems may cause hazardous conditions for operators and contamination of processes. At best, filter performance may be substandard without an air filter designed specifically for high-temperatures.

What Industries Utilize High-Temperature Air Filters?

High-temperature air filtration is primarily needed in the pharmaceutical sector. Medical device manufacturers, food processing plants, semiconductor, microelectronic and automotive facilities also utilize high-temperature, air filters.

The pharmaceutical industry, for example, is subject to stringent guidelines regarding the risk of microbial and particulate contamination. In depyrogenation and dry heat sterilization systems, pharmaceutical companies must use high-temperature air filtration to minimize life-threatening risks to patients in manufacturing.

Life science research and food processing requires high-temperature air filtration for maintenance of clean and sterile operating equipment and environments. Semiconductor and microelectronic facilities use high-temperature air filters for curing, annealing, and holding of electronics and components.

Any industrial or commercial facility with equipment operating higher than near-ambient air temperature can benefit from using high-temperature air filters. Often, high-temperature air filters must be used due to the design of the equipment and operating processes. High-temperature air filters by EFS maintain their structural and functional integrity, even in the hottest of environments.


Facilities operating at temperatures significantly higher than the ambient air often require high-temperature air filters. Without an air filter designed especially for high-heat environments, the safety of the environment can be compromised, and facilities may not meet stringent regulatory requirements.

High-temperature, commercial air filters by EFS are designed to withstand the hottest of environments, up to 700 degrees Fahrenheit, ensuring maximum high-temperature air filtration that meets and exceeds standards.

For more information on high-temperature air filtration solutions, contact EFS online. Or call us at 1-800-796-4337.

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cartridge filters with background image of industrial plant

Cartridge Filters in Gas Turbine Inlet Air Filtration Systems

Canister, cartridge, conical, and cylindrical (round) industrial air filters help clean intake air of inlet air filtration systems for gas turbine power plants. Their media can be depth-loading or surface-loading.

Selecting the proper gas turbine inlet air filtration system and inlet air filters cannot be underestimated, as these systems drive turbine efficiency and output.

Importance of Gas Turbine Inlet Air Filtration Systems

Inlet air filters protect, optimizing efficiency and maximizing the turbine’s capabilities. Operational savings include decreased maintenance and parts replacement and minimum gas turbine downtime, ensuring greater, more consistent power and mechanical drive generation.

High-efficiency industrial air filters are typically part of the last stage of gas turbine inlet air filtration. Engineered Filtration Systems’ high-efficiency air filters clean the smaller particles from inlet air that lead to the following issues:

• Fouling: Particles 2 – 10 micrometers in size, such as sea salts, oil mists, smoke, and carbon, build up along low flow-rate locations in the airflow path and along compressor blades. Especially hot conditions can cause particle fusion. During fouling, clearance changes, cooling passages clog, and rotating balance is disrupted. Fouling can be corrected with washing or mechanical cleaning, but this will not restore the original condition of the gas turbine.

• Erosion: Larger solid and liquid contaminants change aerodynamic metal surface geometry by removing metal particles, changing smooth surfaces to rough ones. Cross-sectional metal areas cannot withstand stress as well. Air flow path deviates and clearance changes. Erosion damage is not reversible, so damaged components must be replaced.

• Corrosion: Hot and cold corrosion occurs when chemically reactive particles adhere to gas turbine surfaces. In hot or high-temperature corrosion, combustor and turbine components experience accelerated oxidation due to salts and sulfurs. In cold corrosion, salts, acids, and gases like chlorine and sulfides mix with air moisture and corrode the compressor. Corrosion can also creep into defects in other parts of the gas turbine, such as cracks, accelerating the defect. Corrosion requires parts replacement.

• Secondary Foreign Object Damage: Secondary Foreign Object Damage (FOD) occurs when debris that passes through the first stages of inlet air cleaning breaks apart into finer particles. These particles can then be passed in the airflow through filters. Pre-filters and additional air cleaning mechanisms of the inlet air filtration system also protect turbomachinery from these and from primary FOD.

An advanced gas turbine inlet air filtration system contributes greatly to slower turbine power and parts degradation. When inlet air quality is low, this degradation occurs sooner.

Filter Media and Loading

Gas turbine inlet air filtration systems for GE LM6000, as well as many GE Frames (i.e., 7EA, 7FA, etc.) incorporate canister or cartridge air filters; these can be static or self-cleaning.

Static and barrier gas turbine inlet air filtration requires consumable, depth-loading filters. For self-cleaning, if the concentration of dust is low or if particles are excessively sticky, cleaning of surface-loading air filters will not appreciably reduce drops in pressure.

Historically, self-cleaning inlet air filtration employing conical and cylindrical filters depended upon surface-loading filter media, because these types of filtration were originally created for high-dust environments. Today’s ideal cartridge filters must remove hygroscopic particles found in the high-humidity environments of most modern self-cleaning gas turbine inlet air
filtration, though.

Depth-loading media is the perfect solution for removing hygroscopic particles in humid or frigid environments, especially in coastal areas with greater ambient salt.


Gas turbine power plants depend on advanced, high-efficiency inlet air filtration systems to prolong GT lifespans and maximize output. Contact Engineered Filtration Systems online for more information on industrial air filters or call us at 1-800-796-4337. You can also view our products here to learn more.

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